MikroTik Equal Bandwidth Sharing

In this tutorial we will set the MikroTik equipment to share the available Internet bandwidth equally among the users of our network as in the diagram below.

Distributing evenly the traffic from a MikroTik router

1. Accessing the MikroTik router (WebFig)

  • Login in browser to the adress with the admin user and the proper password.

2. Sharing bandwidth evenly between users through the implementation of queues (limitations)

  • To be able to distribute evenly the traffic between the users of a network it is necessary ho have two types of limitations, one for the download traffic type and one for upload.
  • Go to the menu Queues -> Queue Types and add a new type of limitation.
Add new tail
  • Set the name and the type of the download limitation.
Selection of pcq queue type
  • Set the parameters for the new limitation type (download) as in the next image.
Seting the MikroTik PCQ download tails
  • Add a new limitation type for upload.
Setting the MikroTik PCQ upload queues
  • Set the parameters for the new limitation type (upload) as in the next image.
Setting the MikroTik upload speed
  • It is noticeable now that we have 2 types of limitatios, one for the download traffic and one for the upload traffic. Each one will be applied for each network user (the traffic that has PCQ queues will be divided evenly between all the IPs that have queues applied).
Vizualization of MikroTik queues

3. Applying the queues (limitations) for the network users

  • Go to the menu Queues -> Simple Queues and create a new, simple limitation.
Adding MikroTik simple queue.
  • Apply the two new types of limitations over the local network.
Setting a simple MikroTik PCQ queue

In this moment the router will assign to each network user a maximum speed of 100Mbps and in the situation in which there will be more users that will use the 100 Mbps Internet capacity, the speed will be distributed evenly among them thanks to the types of queues applied on the network traffic.

Notă: The traffic control takes place within the types of queues, it is normal that at theUpload Max Limit and Download Max Limit it is written unlimited.
MikroTik PCQ simple queue


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